Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Update ~ Getting Down to Business

It is update time!
We had our first and second meeting with our teacher leader and our group! We are starting to get to know each other and have some fun!
The first meeting was at Brunswick Zone and it was basically to introduce ourselves and start to hang out. We bowled and ate pizza and got to know each other. We did our first service project and all brought cans of food for the local food pantry. Helping others is so fun!
The next meeting was more instructional and down to business. We learned more about People to People and why it was born. President Eisenhower was an advocate of peace. Even though he was a high ranking officer in the military; war broke his heart. He longed for people to get along and be at peace. He decided to start with our young people…we are the future, don’t you know? But instilling certain values and exposing kids to other culture, President Eisenhower thought that could help the world be a more peaceful place. It is a great idea, huh? We also got to work together on an assignment while the parents filled out paperwork. Yes…you heard that right…homework too! We will be doing various projects and assignments throughout the preparation and the trip! We also are doing a big project at the end about a certain aspect of the trip…whatever we chose!
As far as fundraising goes…I appreciate everyone’s help! I have raised a tad over $1500.00 towards my trip!! I sent out a ton of letters and some local businesses have helped by supporting me! I also sent some flyers around the neighborhood to do odd jobs, but so far, no response. KID FOR HIRE!! Does anyone need a pooper-scooper or a helper for you little ones???? Not many jobs out there for a 12 year old, but I am trying! We also sold candles and made a few buck with that too! My next plan is to put a hot chocolate station outside the local pharmacy and sell some delicious hot chocolate! I think that my mom is organizing a bowling event as well! Lots of ideas and we still have plenty of time! Only $4500.00 more to go!
So, that is it for now…thank you for following me! I am sure that it will be an exciting journey in the upcoming months! I wonder if I can get one of those countdown thingies on here?? I will work on that!
Stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work kiddo! I'm a friend of your Mom's! I'm super impressed with you!

